Adding to the enigma was the fact that one couldn't get to see the school buildings at all. On the Peters Road side, it was heavily wooded; and all along the Mount Road periphery were these huge movie hoardings that were such an integral part of Chennai. So there it was, a mystery wrapped in an enigma. And it remained that way until early last month, when the hoardings started coming down. The first time I saw the perimeter wall without the hoardings, I was so astounded that I forgot to take pictures!
But now I have the picture. And I'm even more confused, because I see all the names - Presentation Convent, St. Ursula's, Sacred Hearts - and also Church Park, being used. I probably should be overcoming my ignorance of a fact known to every Chennai schoolboy; but now that the enigma layer has been shorn, I must ensure that the mystery is retained. So, even if you know the school name(s), don't tell me!
Hi, Thoroughly enjoyed the photos but I do have a question reg. my school, I did a google search on it and thats how I ended up on your article. I went to this school until 1982. I did not know of such a building being inside the school compound. On Mount Road there were bus stops all along the perimeter of the wall on which the hoardings sat. Behind that wall was the sports ground. Does that still exist - which side are these buildings facing? Thanks
My email address is
@ Michaela: Thanks for stopping by - and glad you enjoyed it!
As for the buildings, they're just inside the perimeter wall you describe; maybe they're a post-1982 addition? As for the sports field, you'll have to wait until I either get a chance to go in, or find out from someone who has been there recently...
Hi Shantaram, Thank you for your reply. Only just came across it though hahaha. Thanks to Facebook I have connected with over a 1000 of my school mates now and I have actually visited the school in 2011. If you need me to keep you updated as to when any event where public are welcome, let me know. You have my contact details since the previous comment :)
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