Whoever parked the car right under the sign must be someone completely convinced that the Lord is everwhere, so it doesn't matter. Alternately, it could be an atheist; stretching that logic, it could be an atheist who does not believe in a God that one does not have to fear, or 'beware of', because "... the God I don't believe in is a good God, a merciful God..."*!
* Catch 22, of course, which lets us not believe in just the kind of God we don't want to believe in!
Well spotted. Not sure what to make of this.
And the car is parked "horizontally".
@ Babooshka: There were a few other such signs... maybe they were more threatening, for they were obeyed!
@ Lviss: Any other way and the road would have been blocked!
Ha, a fun find.
On trawling for more info, I read the Church at Jehovah Shammah in Vepery was founded by (Late)Bro. Bakth Singh and his co-workers in July 1941. Any Freemasonic connection?
@ Steffe: :)
@ Ramanan: You tell me, I'm missing the connect - you'll work it into your next quiz anyway :)
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