Thursday, April 27, 2023

Corner house

This house, at the corner of Venkatesa Bakhtan Street and Perambur Barracks Road, looks like it has seen several monsoons.

I have no idea whose house is it, nor anything else about this building. It is just that as I passed by it, I noticed that one side had almost collapsed and seemed to be held in place by a lot of bricks propping the wall up. The rest of the building may soon follow suit. 

Couldn't come away without a picture of this building - I can imagine how grand it would have been, back in the day, dominating this part of the city!


Stefan Jansson said...

It could use some work.

hackslee said...

And on May 2, 2023, down it went!

Shantaram said...

@hackslee: Yep!