Not NPR yet, but will get there
I must admit that I'm not a great FM radio person; for one thing, my commutes are too short to bother with finding the right station and settling down to listen to it. For another, most of the channels seem to do pretty much the same thing - Tamizh movie songs - so it is hard to figure out which channel I'm listening to at any time. But a lot of that changed with a phone call on Sunday evening - was most surprised that I was being invited as a guest on a live talk/phone-in show. So surprised in fact, that I didn't even properly register the name of the channel that had invited me!When I got around to finding out, I learnt that 'Chennai Live 104.8 FM' was trying to break new ground. Launched in July 2008, the channel belongs to the Muthoot Group and has been billed as 'India's first Talk Radio FM station'. I'm not sure about that, but inviting me as a guest is definitely proof of their desire to target the "evolved, intelligent Chennaite"
. Therefore one didn't have to think too hard before accepting - I do like the sound of my voice and chances of being kicked out of the studio within the 30 minutes I had been given seemed slim. So there I was at 9.30 on Monday morning, sitting across the table and talking to a couple of very high-enthu people who looked like they'd be bouncing around if not for all the equipment that kept them tethered to the table.Except for the headphones and having to break the conversation for some ads / filler songs, it was no different from, say, a conference call. Krishna and Bhavana kept the flow going, questioning without being combative and making sure that things didn't get too serious - the talk was about 'New Age Managers' and given the gloom all around, we could have easily become mournful - but the two RJs didn't let that happen. Great work, guys; you can be sure that I'll be tuning into 104.8 more often, now!
Hope u wont jump ur job and keep this blog going. I have nowhere to go.
Congrats .... missed hearing you then ...
>> Ravindran>> Intend to keep this going for as long as I can.... so no big worries on that account :)
>> Ram>> They've promised me a recording - I'll force you to listen :D
u still havnt sent me d recordin... :p
>> Arjun>> Haven't got it yet... I wonder if they ever will :(
wat!! den cal n ask na......
wel.. ders sumthin calld as rapidshare... heard of it??? log on to and host d file... n send me d link... simple.. :) :) :)
>> Arjun>> Will try Rapidshare...
wat happ??? dint try it yet???
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